Dang's scripts repo
The easy way
Here's how to use dang's scripts repo the easy way:
Download scripts-setup
Decide on an install location. Something in /usr/local for a globan install, something in
${HOME} for a local install. Call this ${INSTALLDIR}
As some user with write access to that dir, run:
scripts-setup ${INSTALLDIR}
For each other user than needs access, run:
${INSTALLDIR}/scripts-setup ${INSTALLDIR}
As each user, customize ${HOME}/.bash_local
NOTE: This is where *all* local optimzations go; .bashrc is just a symlink
The hard way
Here's how to use dang's scripts repo the hard way:
get the repo and put it somehwere:
cd ${TOPDIR}
git clone git://github.com/dang/scripts.git
Make a symlink in your homedir pointing to it:
cd ${HOME}
ln -s ${TOPDIR}/scripts .scripts
Add ${HOME}/.scripts to your PATH
Optionally: source ${HOME}/.scripts/aliases and ${HOME}/.scripts/gentoo-dev-aliases
That's it
To update, change to the directory containt the checkout, and run
git pull